There are a lot of screenshot software for Linux, but only a few of them actually work well, and there are a lot of bugs in the wayland environment. flameshot is good, but I've encountered a lot of problems with dual-screen environments, and I've often encountered difficulties when I upgraded to a certain version, when I couldn't check both screenshots at the same time, and I had trouble entering text. After switching to labwc environment, even the framing range is extremely delayed. So I chose the combination of grim + slurp + ksnip.
The general idea can be: grim screenshot, slurp select the range, ksnip to realize editing.
Step 1: Install the three programs
sudo apt-get install grim slurp ksnip
Execute the command line directly in the terminal to install them.
Step 2: Write it to sh for easy invocation.
#!/bin/sh NOW=$( date + "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S" )
grim -g "$(slurp)" -t png $HOME /Pictures/grim- $NOW.png
ksnip $HOME /Pictures/grim- $NOW.png
To use slurp, you need to use grim in conjunction with a screenshot, so we generally recommend using ksnip for editing.
grim -g "$(slurp)" -t png $HOME /Pictures/grim- $NOW.png
Step 3: You can set it as a shortcut
Other: Of course you can choose to take screenshots directly from the command line using grim. The screenshots will be saved in the Picture folder, and then you can use ksnip to edit, crop, and modify them.
In the root directory of your homepage, go to “Attachments” - “ksnip”. Open the picture you want to edit.